Live Workshop Series

How do organizations recruit, retain and promote talent? McKinsey reports that 58% of employees are considering quitting or changing professions. Employers often assume attrition is because people are looking for a better job, an increase in compensation or better work-life balance. While important factors, the most important reasons cited by employees were not feeling valued by the organization, not being recognized by their manager and not feeling aligned with the organization’s values. To ensure employees feel valued and seen, leaders can learn the vocabulary, skills and attitude needed in Empowering Partners live Workshop Series, “Awkward to Awesome: How Leaders Boost Engagement, Diversity and Collaboration with Cultural Intelligence.”

Empowering Partners Live Workshops

In these five 90-minute interactive Workshops, you can leverage Dr. Amy’s expertise practicing and teaching cultural intelligence. Participants will be able to:

  • Connect with the content through story
  • Build camaraderie with colleagues in a safe environment,
  • Develop common language,
  • Engage in discourse while learning principles of non-violent communication
  • Learn skills that can be immediately applied at work and home,
  • Ask questions & problem-solve in real-time,
  • Experience compassion as they unpack tender topics
  • Grow more and more confident talking about differences and commonalities

Five Workshop are:

  1. Create a Case for Diversity
    Discover the value proposition for diversity in your organization. Also, develop a common vocabulary as the foundation for learning together.
  2. Outsmart Hidden Assumptions
    Recognize bias is based on how we were raised. It’s something we call have. While we can’t get rid of it, discover how we can learn how to outsmart bias together.
  3. Express Empathy
    Define empathy and recognize it as a stepping-stone for ever greater compassion. We’ll define the three steps for showing compassion individually so that it can be pulled throughout the organization, creating a sense of belonging for everyone.
  4. Develop Cultural Awareness
    Recognize the cultural characteristics that help and hinder authentic working relationships. Discover how to build trust with colleagues and clients to increase engagement across cultural differences and commonalities.
  5. Learn to Talk Safely
    Develop cross-cultural communication skills that enhance a culture of safety, trust and belonging. Learn how these skills are applied to get to a shared-understanding, creating a win-win scenario individually and collectively.

Value – Learn together in real time!

This isn’t just diversity training; these workshops develop the skills and attitudes for culturally intelligent leadership. This accelerates the speed at which people and organizations safely adopt a cross-cultural mindset that increases engagement, collaboration and profit in any organization.

Case Study

Issue: A chief hospital administrator initially had the impression his staff was content because he assumed everyone’s experience was like his own. He was overwhelmed by all the issues and inefficiencies he was aware of, so he didn’t want to go out and seek any more by walking the floor. During the workshop series, he recognized he didn’t-know-what-he-didn’t-know. He discovered how he and his staff were inadvertently being impacted by a system of minimization that kept problems under the radar and made people feel insignificant and invisible. As a result, morale and productivity were low.
Resolution: The workshops gave the chief hospital administrator and his staff the awareness of others’ context and the language and tools to genuinely hear people out. Empowered with cultural intelligence training, the chief hospital administrator felt confident making regular rounds and learning people’s legitimate concerns. In a short time the chief hospital administrator learned that many of the staff not only had issues, they also had workable solutions. What they were lacking was the opportunity to share and the permission to implement effective practices.

To learn more, email for a free discovery session: